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Let's Help you build your dream Home 

About us 

SAX Real Estate Limited is a fast growing Real estate company registered in South Africa. We offer complete service in selling and renting commercial and residential properties, determining the market value of the property, consulting and management of investment in real estate. Our primary aim is to establish long-term partnerships with our customers by providing the highest level of service, loyalty and integration. Our success is based on experience and unreservedly investing in our business and the satisfaction of our customers. Whether you’re buying or selling a home, we are always ready to deliver an extraordinary experience. Our agents bring a commitment to help you make informed decisions by capitalizing on current market opportunities and trends.

What we do

We are focused on developments that transcends Various Lifestyle. Whether it is a penthouse in the city, a security estate, a relaxed beachside or bushveld getaway - our new property developments in South Africa and beyond provide the perfect opportunity to purchase off plan.

We help transform Already existing developments to meet the modern trends to meet a luxury taste.

South Africa is experiencing an ongoing explosion of property developments, we introduce new benchmarks for luxury living. This lifestyle revolution is changing the face of South African cities and towns bringing investors innovative property developments with the potential for robust returns
